Motorcycle riders and passengers face exceptional risks out on the road. After all, while car and truck drivers have layers of metal and air bags between themselves and everyone else, motorcyclists have (hopefully) some leather and a helmet. Motorcycle accidents are many times more likely to case severe injuries or deaths than other types of auto accidents. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, Rabb & Rabb, PLLC will help you get the best compensation package possible for your claim.
Establishing Negligence in Arizona
In order to qualify for compensation, you must be able to demonstrate that the other party is directly responsible for causing your injury through negligent behavior. This can include anything from speeding or running a stop sign to driving under the influence. Whatever the specifics of the other party’s actions, establishing negligence is the key component of any personal injury claim.

Understanding Comparative Fault
What if both parties bear some responsibility for the accident? For example, say you didn’t check over your shoulder before merging, but the other party was going 30 mph over the speed limit. In this case, Arizona uses something called comparative fault. Under comparative fault, both parties are assessed for their share of responsibility for an accident. In our example, you might be found 30% responsible, while the other party would be 70% responsible. As a result, any damages you receive would be reduced by 30% compared to what they would be if you had no responsibility for the accident.
Personal Injury Help Is Here
A serious personal injury can be absolutely devastating. Not only is there pain and suffering that could potentially last a very long time, but you also have to deal with medical bills and lost wages. That’s why the attorneys of Rabb & Rabb, PLLC have dedicated our careers to fighting on behalf of personal injury victims. We’ll help you navigate the personal injury claim process from start to finish so you can get the compensation you need.