Any accident involving a semi-truck, delivery truck, or any kind of large commercial vehicle is likely to include more complications than a regular auto accident. First off, the sheer size of these vehicles instantly makes them more dangerous and requires a bigger degree of skill to properly operate. Second, these trucks are often leased by a trucking company and there are various levels of assigned responsibility based on where you live. Fortunately, a trusted trucking attorney can help sift through all of the details in the aftermath of an accident.
Determining Who Is Responsible
A knowledgeable and experienced trucking accident attorney will help decide if any of the following parties are at fault:
- The truck’s driver
- The owner of the truck (or trailer)
- The responsible leasing party
- The truck’s or parts’ manufacturer
- The shipper or loader of the vehicle’s cargo (if improper loading caused the accident)
Keeping Trucking Companies Honest
It’s more common than ever for trucking companies to try to remain as separate as possible from their drivers. This means extraneous leasing agreements and attempts to put the daily safety and the responsibility of the driver in their own hands. These drivers are essentially independent contractors and trucking companies try to abstain from responsibility through the independent legal standing of their drivers. A good trucking accident will know that any company owning a trucking permit is responsible for all accidents involving their vehicles and the legal team can begin putting a case together. It doesn’t matter whether the driver is a contractor or a full-time employee.
Working Towards the Highest Settlement Possible
Simply based on experience, a trucking attorney will have the knowledge to guide your case towards a higher settlement. The trucking company’s insurance company will offer you an early settlement to end the matter, but you should certainly not sign anything or accept any offer before consulting a legal team that understands the nature of your incident.
The team at Rabb & Rabb, PLLC understands the complexities of these accidents and is here to keep trucking companies honest. Arizona roads are wide and big and offer plenty of opportunities for these incidents to happen. Call (520) 888-6740 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your specific situation.